Dental check 

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L'App di DoctorHorse presenta un modello 3D interattivo che mostra alcune delle patologie che riguardano la dentatura del cavallo.

The DoctorHorse App presents an interactive 3D model that shows some of the diseases that affect the horse's teeth.

Die DoctorHorse App stellt ein interaktives 3D-Modell, das einige der Krankheiten zeigt, dass das Pferd die Zähne beeinflussen.




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Flavio Mambrito - Equine dentist

Do horses need their own dentist?

Yes, correct control by a certified professional equine dentist can prevent or solve problems that can all too easily lead to unpleasant consequences involving the digestive apparatus, posture or dynamic movements.

How often should a horse' mouth be controlled?

Equine dentists recommend at least once a year.

What is actually involved in a dental examination of a horse’s mouth?

First the dental vet checks the whole animal, looking at and evaluating balance and asymmetry. Then the neck and head muscles must be carefully examined. After this external visit the teeth are checked, starting from the incisors. This is followed by the inspection of premolars and molars. It is extremely important that special attention must be paid to the level of contact between the upper and lower arcade and to the lateral excursion of the mandible.

Do horses get tooth decay?

Yes, it is possible but not frequent. Decay is subordinated to poor occlusion. If the occlusion is correct the grinding movement of the teeth makes it nearly impossible for caries to form within the tooth.

How do I know when my horse’s teeth need dental care?

Since a horse's teeth are consumed and replaced at the rate of about 2-3 mm each year, it is quite clear that problems can easily arise in the space of a few months. When a horse becomes a slow eater over a relatively short space of time, or drops food from its mouth, or when whole seeds or hay fibres more than 15mm long are visible in its faeces, it's already late for a check-up. A serious occlusion of the teeth arcades can render a horse difficult to ride and not easy to flex left or right.

What must be done following a dental visit?

Usually nothing, unless sedation has been used. In this case just two hours without food is recommended.

Should a horse be always sedated to have its teeth checked?

No, only in rare cases where the horse is extremely reluctant to undergo a dental check-up. A mild sedative is usually sufficient.

Why does the horse sometimes look "different" after dental treatment?

It’s absolutely nothing to worry about; he just has to get used to a new (and better) chewing pattern. In cases where the dentistry has been delayed too long, it may take a few days for the horse to chew correctly again.

Do bits interfere with teeth problems?

A bit that does not fit properly can easily cause damage to the tongue and bars and interfere with occlusion.

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Routine check-ups and advanced dentistry procedures have made great progress over recent years, with new technology and procedures becoming increasingly apparent, obliging certified equine dentists to stay well up-to-date with their educational levels.

Flavio Mambrito - Equine dentist

One of the milestones in dental monitoring of a horse's mouth is the evaluation of the degree of contact between the upper and lower arcades and the level of the lateral excursion of the mandible, followed by a check-up of the incisors, the premolars and molars. A speculum is needed to inspect these back teeth. Sometimes other devices such as x-rays are needed to investigate problems hidden from a manual or ocular inspection. Some problems can be solved with manual instruments such as rasps, floats, elevators, spreaders and so on whilst others may require electrical equipment. However electrical instruments must always be used with extreme care in order to avoid iatrogenic damage. Types of treatments include:

Procedures designed to maintain the integrity of the tooth function include oral hygiene, tooth cleaning education and fissure control.

Treatment of diseases of the gums and other tooth supporting tissue, including tartar removal, scaling, and polishing of teeth.

Diseases of the tooth nerve.

Occlusal equilibration, including adjustment of the incisor and molar angles to alleviate excessive pressure on individual teeth, encouraging efficient contact and articulation of the TemproMandibular Joint (TMJ).

Removal of blockages, including high teeth, ramps, hooks, etc., allowing jaw and facial muscles to relax, promoting efficient movement.

Wolf teeth, milk teeth, dead, diseased, fractured or broken teeth.


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